The Beverly Education Foundation announced its Annual Teacher Parent Grant Awards in June totaling $12,116. The Teacher Parent Grants benefit students, teachers for professional development and various educational programs in the Beverly Public Schools. The foundation supports the wonderfully creative ideas of Beverly educators which enhance teaching and learning in a 21st century global environment. Grant awards support a wide variety of curriculum-based topics and projects that benefit all students. Grants are for the upcoming 2018-2019 school year and were awarded to preschool, elementary, middle and high school teachers for the following initiatives:
Beverly High School
AP Art & Peabody Essex Museum Multi Visit Partnership
Theater Technology and Design Seminar Series
College Application and Essay Writing
Tools for Science Classrooms
Briscoe Middle School
Robotics Program: Arduinos and Rechargeable Batteries
Massachusetts Children’s Book Awards
Ayers Elementary
Ayers Cares Garden Place Based Learning
Novel Engineering
Centerville Elementary
Investigating Marine Pollution Kit & Movie
Cove Elementary
Watershed Ecology Program Professional Development
Watershed Ecology Program – Erosion
Hannah Elementary
Breakout EDU – Learning Games Platform
Creating a Novel Engineering Library
Maker Movement Initiative
Kindergarten Sensory Garden
Hooray for Health
McKeown Preschool
Harvest Unit – Creating Language and Learning Opportunities for Young Students
North Beverly Elementary
Family Math Night
Ellis Square Lunch Initiative
Centerville and Cove Collaborative Grant
Global Read Aloud Initiative